See Jane, see Jane shop, see Jane walking screaming baby while Mommy tries on clothes, see Jane pull out her hair (Jane's, not baby's), see Jane shop, see Jane drop...

So that was my day yesterday. I started on the post last night and daughter needed the computer and Jane was too pooped to come back to it. I remember when it was the other way around!

Great question do Bertha and I deal with negativity? First of all, Bertha has dealt with that pesky, negative inner critic in the form of Rita in the first book and continues to in the second one...Rita doesn't come out in the journal.

I find that my own negativity is harder to deal with than someone else who is negative...she follows me everywhere I go! So like the old ring-around-the-collar commercials...Bertha tried everything from telling her off to considering shooting her...but in the end figures out that she just won't listen to her...

That's the whole thing. You can't push the voice out of your have to replace it with a nicer one...when that voice says, "That will never work!" I come back with, "But wouldn't it be nice if it did?" or something like that. I find humor and kindness and just being aware of those voices helps a tremendous amount.

I know that didn't exactly answer your question but it was the first thing that came to my mind. Now for those negative people that we come in contact with. Bertha has a shape sorter theory about people (you know the baby toy). Anyway it goes something like this...we all have all the different shapes (vibrations, moods, etc.) and we all have all the slots to put the shapes in. When I come to you with my star shape and you are in a bad mood and only have your square slot available...we don't connect very well.

If we want to connect I can either get in a bad mood with you and become a square...or you can get in a better mood and become a star...

What usually happens is number 1, I get in a bad mood and become a square or number 3, we just keep bouncing off of each other trying to get the star into the square slot...getting more and more frustrated...

Number 2, you changing to a star, usually doesn't work because that's too many mood jumps all at one time for you to make. (You can slide down the moods in a hurry...but it's harder to climb back up that quickly.)

So to make a long story longer...what we do is to try to keep our star out by reading good books, thinking good thoughts, and being around other star personalities...that makes it easier to not to try to change the squares so much. When we do come in contact with a square...we try to leave them alone or maybe just being around us will help them become a triangle, who knows?

And when all else fails...we put on our running shoes and run the other direction when we see them coming!
Jane Carroll