Some more advice would be appreciated. I just got back from a six day vacation with my boyfriend in his city. For my 50th birthday he bought me airplane tickets and took me to a resort for the week. We also celebrated Christmas early together. I told my Mom that I was going away on business to avoid having to deal with her mad looks and disapproving comments. I had a wonderful time and each time we are together we get closer and closer. I was trying to keep my guard up (due to my painful divorce and ten years alone) I was being careful. There is no going back now, not for either of us. We talked in detail and both want a future together. This part is great, the tough part is how I deal with my Mom. I am not happy with myself for lying to her about my trip. I was so overwhelmed with stress over work related issues etc. that I just didn't want to deal with her. I know she knows that I went to see him. My Dad told me she doesn't believe me. I talked to her yesterday and she did not ask me about my trip. She sounded distant and I know she is hurt that I lied to her. I just can't do it anymore and want to tell her the truth. I am a much better writer than talker in a confrontational situation and can articulate better in writing. I know that it's possible if I talk to her in person that I will get angry and protective of my boyfriend. I want to be respectful to my mother and feel that if I send her an email explaining that she has a right to her opinion but that I have a boyfriend and that we are serious. If she doesn't want anything to do with him, and even if she doesn't want to talk to him, that is fine with me. I don't want to put him through that anyway. My Mom is 80 and of course I love her but I feel that I should be upfront. Do you ladies feel that a respectful, thoughtful email to my Mom would be appropriate, or do you think I should talk to her in person? Her way is to say "I don't want to talk about it" so there is a chance that this will happen.
Your thoughts and comments will be greatly appreciated.