I think the best thing that could happen would be for her to end up in his company so she can realize how her ignorance has robbed her of knowing so many other beautiful people.

I wuoldn't make an issue of it, but I also wouldn't keep them from one another's company. Your boyfriend is a big boy and could certainly handle anything she might say in front of him. But I have a sneaking suspicion that she would be kind to him.

You also have to remember that this is a generational thing. It's hard for us to understand this (I really can't)but life is lived differently now than it was when the Greatest Generation was raised.

My niece is married to an African American and he is one of my absolute favorite people.

I also have two Korean children who happen to be at the very top of my list!
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.