Thanks for all your support. Sometimes I think I just get plain tired. Yesterday and today the young chick didn't bother me too much but I know by Friday - POW - I'll be ready to blow!! She babbles on like an immature child who hasn't learned to be tactful yet. She's an only child from India and was treated like a princess from what we all gather in the office. Oh yes, it's not just me that wants to brain her, believe me. Trouble is - our boss loves her - ugh!! Maybe we're just bitter ol' bats but there's other young ones around there that we love. If any of us does happen to snap at one of her irritating comments she says we're so mean!

Oh well - thanks for sharing your suggestions and menopausal moods with me. Makes me feel less crazy.

Oh - and Rick & June - I know what you mean about being frustrated when your husband assumes it's your period. Mine used to say, well we have to remember that you're a little more sensitive at this time of the month. GRRRRRRR!!

Thanks for listening.