My husband enjoys Hallowe'en. He buys several pumpkins, scoops out all the pulp for his famous homemade pumpkin soup, then carves different faces on the pumpkins, installs a light inside each one, and then sets them all up in the front garden. We usually attach a few huge corn stalks to the shepherd's hook out there too. He starts collecting the candy weeks in advance, and by the 31st has enough mini chocolate bars and chips to feed over 1000 kids!!! He knows all the kids in the neighbourhood, and they know him...he gives out candy at the door all year round (but only to kids whose parents have met us and given their kids permission to have the candy - and no child is ever allowed inside our house). So he knows what candies they like, and they all make a point of coming by on the 31st to show us their costumes. It's a fun night, and we usually get hundreds of kids at the door - though many come more than once (it's a housing development and all the houses look alike, especially in the dark).

I'm not a big Hallowe'en fan, but do enjoy seeing all the kids...we do see some amazing costumes every year.

Edited by Eagle Heart (10/27/06 01:31 AM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)