You go! I have found that if I really want something, or want to do something...I just do it. One reason is when I procastinate, or give myself reasons it won't work, it ususally doesn't. But if I take proactive steps, it does. That simple. Well of course nothing is THAT simple, but what I mean is, I take steps that add to my goal/dream/want every single day, not steps that lead me away from them. I use a simple formula. I take 3 actions (every day) that get me closer to what I want. You would be amazed at how it can make things domino! Anyhoo..I'm rambling. Don't ever ask me what time it is, I'll tell you how to build a watch. Just ask Dotsie...she'll tell ya! ha!
I hope you follow your heart and finish the book. Please keep us informed. I'm rooting for ya.