Jackie, it's hard to believe the person was serious eh, but if she was i'm not surprised.
Scarlet fever, diptheria, small pox, and pnuemonia for example were still killing thousands when i was very young, and yet people were often told these sufferings were trials sent as punishment or tests from God, or to correct one's behavior, etc. children born mentally handicapped were often considered 'punishment' for some sin of the parents. Surely most of us are old enough to remember when no body got pregnant before marriage, but a lot of teenagers and young women went away 'for holidays at an aunt's' for four or five months - to hide their 'shame' and 'sin'
In north america and western europe many beliefs have certainly changed about 'why' certain things happen ....

But i've drifted from the topic, sorry bout that.

<small>[ December 13, 2005, 07:21 PM: Message edited by: norma ]</small>