I have been in and out this room several times and never noticed this post before.

personaly i am with bluebird on this one. Imagine how cool or special we are that we get special apponted agenst of god for our wellfair. Now i feel special rememberring that.

To my best ability to work it out angels have never been human but guides at times have or can be human couse their life experience can be usfull to us at diffrent points in our life. So sometimes guides can come and go but like a gardian angel you get one special guide that stayes with you for most or all of your life.

Also their some type of supervision angel , if we think of it in human terms like the angel in charge of the relashionship department, or in dianne's case shoe dept etc. Then out own private angel get's specalist consiltasion from the angel in charge of a spacifik energy vibrasion whatever that may be.

I think the logik goes if their is the angel in charge of a creative aspect or realm then they carrie a diffrent type of eneergy from the angel in charge of the action realm. and so on. so their the types of general managers of that department pheewww lol

Their is ment to be a type of hirarchy within the angelic realm, all from the higest and most powerfull of the angels filter informasion dowen to our personal angels. Their ment to be a time change between their realms and ours that allows them to see into our future for events that seem likly to happen....hence lynnes pre-guidance telling her not to fear, they already know what was likly to happen.

I don't know what it like in your part of the country but heer it's near freezing with a big bitter wind near constant graw skies and lots and lots of rain lol.

the worst of it for me and i know some love the dark nights and think their cosy but it gets dark by 5 in the evening.

I once got told along time ago and it still brings me comphort to this day is that figritivly (dark night of soul) and in actuality that when it's most dark the angels draw even closer to lighten us or our load with the power of their love. It makes it a bit easier to cope with the dark at this time of the year

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn