Hello Dianne, I am happy to hear that you are able to be there for this awesome baby experience. It's amazing how you were able to process that memory with the cigarrette. I am glad you got it out of your subconscious, out into the open, where it can be dissipated. I will be away for a couple of days. I am going to do a domestic violence awareness month presentation in a mountain community of CO. I have paired with a SANE: Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner to bring awareness on DV and SA. We call ourselves: SANE for TEARS (Telling Everyone About Rape & Suicide.) But as you know, I am all about awareness for DV too. I will do a presentation on the "power and control wheel" and a book sale, signing. I got a nice email from my brother re: this event. You see, none of my efforts pay off financially, but he recognized and encouraged me that my mission pays off in dividends for others that I may not be aware of. Making a difference, that's really what I want. Dianne, your book made a difference to me. It helped me to see that it was really ok to talk and write about DV because as we heal, we help others heal. Isn't that amazing? Love and Light, Lynn