Hello from beautiful and warm Arizona. My grandson and Missy are home and I have to say he's simply perfect. Doesn't look like ET or Truman Capote but a perfectly formed baby with a ton of hair. I think I'm in love!

All of this labor and delivery brought back a not-so-nice memory. When I was in labor with my second child I was very relaxed and practicing the breathing my doctor had taught me, which made my husband believe I wasn't really in labor at all. He stood over me while I was sitting on the sofa and lit a cigarette and dropped the burning match on my leg. When I jumped up out of pain, he decided I wasn't really in labor or wouldn't be able to move like that. The things we tolerate blows me away. But, as I've mentioned on here before, today he has a brain tumor so what goes around...

Strange how I had forgotten that and it's so wonderful to see my son so excited and kicking in to help out with the baby and household chores and happily so. He managed to get two extra days off work so he could help her. We're all enjoying our time together, as we should.

Thank you, Allison for your very kind and wise words. I'm so glad to have you a part of this wonderful group of ladies.
If it doesn't feel good, don't do it twice.

Boomer Queen of Shoes