It’s been almost one week since my last visit to this Forum. I posted my first comment on 10/12. And just like I said, this can become addicting! I’m beginning to freak out because my October 30th deadline is looming and I’m finding myself reading forum chats, posting messages on my blog, reading emails…I’m sure many of us can relate!

And Queen JawJaw, while you were teaching me “everything you know,” why the heck didn’t you teach me how to stay focused? Huh? And how about teaching me how to change the word “Stranger” from under my name in the left sidebar of this post? I’m a Member! And where is my photo any way? (insert smile here.)

Pleased to meet you, Dianne, Lynnie, Dee, Cathi, PJ and the rest of the amazing women on this forum. PJ, you (and Chloe) look fabulous! Congrats on the fabulous weight loss. I’m especially touched by your willingness, Dianne, to be so vulnerable and transparent with us. I really can’t wait to read your book…sounds like you have some cutting edge opinions on how to handle the issues of abuse. Thank you for being the Featured Author and for responding to comments with such wisdom and grace. And, Dee…hang in there as you “make your way back.” There are a lot of us out here who have made phenomenal u-turns in our life!

I wanted to quickly comment on Cathi’s 10/16 posting about “holier than thou” clergy and church members who espouse opinions that would encourage abused women to remain in an abusive environment. I work full time in Christian outreach ministry. I write and speak from a Christian worldview and all of my books are published by Christian publishing houses. I have the opportunity to speak in churches of all denominations all over the country and it’s been a very long time since I heard a clergy man or woman encourage a woman to remain in an abusive situation. In fact, they will often help a woman escape and find a safe house.

That’s not to say there are not some old-fashioned folks out there who are clueless, I’m sure there are. But by and large the bottom line is to get a woman and her children to a safe place. Sure, a member of the clergy would of course hope and pray that the marriage could be saved—that healing could happen (because it sometimes does.) But I pray you will not lump all of the “church” into the category of being holier than thou when it comes to this subject.

Okay, I’m back to work now, ladies. I’ll check back in a few days. Hope you are feeling better, Dotsie! And thanks again for your vision to connect women like this. It’s clear to see God is using you in a mighty way just as he is using this forum to help his daughters find hope, healing, and strength to live in this crazy world. Have a blessed day to all!

Allison Bottke
Allison Bottke, Author/Speaker
Standing in Faith
Kneeling in Prayer