Dianne, I like that: acceptance is the opposite of shame. Yes, accepting all of yourself, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Chatty, thanks for mentioning my story. Jane, are you a social worker? I have a degree in social work. Ah, forgiveness. Wow, what a burden it is to carry around that hate. I for one am glad to be free of hate and anger. Dianne, that is so true that people bond over their weakness versus supporting each other with empowerment. Carolyn Myss wrote a book called "Why People Don't Heal" and bonding over ailments was one reason. On the other hand, therapy and support groups is a way to achieve empowerment while bonding. The scene that gave me chills was the boat scene, and being left on the beach, and your son and a dog. I could visualize the whole scenario, and it made my heart race. Oh, and one of the descriptions of your body in pain with bruises on your abdomen and thighs made me hurt to envision this. Plus the DQ. How do you feel when you pass a DQ? Neutral?