Not only does the metabolism change after fifty, seems the thinking can too. What I find helps in both areas is to surround myself with information, people, and various resources that keep me on track with what I want to be like in my life.

I once heard, "Our life will either be a stellar example of what is possible, or a warning of what not to do."

Daily I take time to vision my "ideal" life. I find this helps me to keep on track with choices I make. What I have found is the healthier I eat, the easier it is to make the best choices for a balanced life. By healthy, I am not talking a diet.

Those decisions include getting in a daily dose of excercise, time away from my office, time to share with family and friends, and time to share with just me.

Most of us who have ever battled with weight know that diets don't work, lifestyle changes do.

Just a few thoughts

Kathleen Gage
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