Yes. I have heard of this, lived it, and lived through it. I have observed it for many years and I think all of us have observed it or experienced it -- it's identical to the experiences many, if not most, girls go through when there are three or more friends -- two or more will gang up against one.

I experienced it in my marriage when my husband felt displaced when we had children. I think that he then looked to our child to become his buddy and led the charge as they sought to alienate me from their group. In counselling it was labeled "triangulation."

It led to difficulties for my son that he did not address until he was in college. It all came out for my husband while we were in counselling and once he was aware and committed to changing, the problem has mostly gone away. At the same time, I would say that I believe that there are personalities that I believe are more prone to that behavior and I believe his personality is one of those.