I saw a special on TV a while back about "Parental Alienation Syndrome" (PAS) or sometimes referred to as
"Parental Alienation Disorders."

It's described as when a parent is alienated from his/her children by the other parent (alienator), which largely occurs during divorce situations.

"The syndrome is mainly carried out by women but men are known to be alienators too. Parental Alienation Syndrome is a psychological disorder that the courts are not really familiar with. It goes unchecked in other psychological profiles."

When I shared PAS with some friends, men and women, none of them hadn't even heard of it, and was surprised to find out that it was a disorder. Pratically all of them exhaled, "that's exactly what my "ex" did !"

Further research reveals that studies are on the way for treatment and solutions for the alienator and psychological treatment of children suffering and who have suffered from Parental Alienation Syndrome.