Well, I don't know that I ever have any typical days. However, today was one of those that was exhausting. Most days I'm up at 6:30. Eat breakfast with a cup of coffee then on to the treadmill where I watch an inspiring DVD for 30 minutes. These days I'm watching The Secret (available at Thesecret.tv) which illuminates and describes how the law of attraction works in the Universe. Sometimes I watch a Caroline Myss DVD, or something by Wayne Dwyer, Andrew Weil or Christiane Northrup. After my shower, I get to my email, writing my gratitude list and then to checking what clients I've got for the day, pulling their files, and getting a to do list ready for my assistant.

I'm working on two current projects. One is called, "Inspirations for the Next Fifty Years", a 45 minute audio CD based on the book which contains uplifting thoughts and guidance for the woman over 50. It also includes a visualization to help the listener feel connected to other women. As the book does, the CD provides spiritual inspiration and ideas to help the listener discover new meaning and purpose for their next 50 years. So that project is almost complete --- just waiting for the producer to tweak it a bit.

The other project is my next book "An Evolving Woman". When I wrote "The Next Fifty Years" I had just turned 50. Now that I'm 58 and closing in on 60, a spiritual deepening is occuring in my life --- I'm evolving! And I believe we keep evolving our entire lives (and maybe even beyond that). In any case, "An Evolving Woman" will be a book that keeps baby boomer woman thinking and in touch with their own evolving spirits through journaling and exercises. I'm thinking of making it a day-by-day format, but I'm undecided. My publishers are very interested and I'll get a majority of it outlined while I'm in Maine next week.

It's Friday night and time to have my weekly martini with my husband on the deck. Hope you all have a beautiful weekend... more later. Pam