Dear JJ -- thanks for asking for more of my story. Let me start with where I am today. After my brain altering accident and approximately two years of rehabilitation, I am almost 100% my age again! The Next Fifty Years came out in September 2005 and it's been a whirlwind ever since. My private practice is busier than ever, I'm speaking all over the place and I'm working on the next book (An Evolving Woman). After my two week vacation in Maine where I do most of my writing, I'll be speaking at the WomanSage conference in Stamford, Connecticut. Can't wait to be with such a large (400-600) group of middle age and beyond women. Have to go now, it's 7:35am and my day is about to begin --- but first things first. I will sit at my desk and write my usual gratitude list before I get dressed. Today's list will include how grateful I am to be part of this forum. Have a great day! Pam