If you earn money, then why would managing your finances be scary? It's your money, you sweated over it.

Anyway, my financial reality crashed in..was when I bought my own condo solo without asking family or friends to help me out. No one else had the money to give anyway. Then 14 yrs. later I sold it..to relocate elsewhere.
It took alot of effort, but paid off mortgage in 6 years.

But yea, investing in mutual funds, stocks, etc....it becomes a chore to monitor and be abit alert about the markets. But it is money that I rightfully earned...

I was raised in a family where parents very rarely used credit cards. Yes, we were thrifty and poor.Got my first credit card...after I graduated from university...just so that I could build a credit line. And thank goodness for that, because honest, have not racked up credit card debt...except once. I was only $12.00 in debt...I forgot the transaction at the time

I met my partner later in life, so perhaps it helps to have lead, learning time in advance...to be forced to manage one's own income, especially when one has mortgage.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)