Eagle we won't tell your Mama. Filing for bankruptcy happens to the best of us. My parents had a friend that filed bankruptcy every 10 years or so. Each time he recovered, earned millions, and then went broke again. That was awesome.
I so agree with you ladies. One of THE most important things in life is budgeting, and they didn't teach that to me in school either. The first time I moved out and had my own apartment, I was dead broke within three months. I was so proud being on my own, that I borrowed money from friends instead of my parents,… just to avoid the "I told you so's." Now when I think back, my parents should have sat down with me and showed me a budget plan. I was like a cat thrown into a barrel of water. I've learned from that, though, and have always put money aside, that I don't touch, just in case I shouldn't sell anything for half a year or so. That's my security zone.