BTW, Dotsie, it seems that many of the "glitches" are getting fixed here...the signature problem seems fixed, the Active Topics glitch seems fixed, the response/transition times are MUCH better today than yesterday, so it seems that things are falling into their proper places here.

And I like it here. New digs, new colours, new buttons to press, new features to check out - it's all good, Dotsie. You've brought us to a great new place, and once we've all taken our shoes off and made ourselves at home in here, we're going to have to throw ourselves a super-duper Boomer cyberparty to celebrate - our first Boomer House Warming!

Congratulations Dotsie! I think we're going to be okay. I know there are still glitches to work out, but it seems many have already been fixed.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)