I can add and/or concur with:

- very slow load-up and response (it just took me 7 minutes to get into the forums); I have no similar problems with other websites;
- Active Topics is still quirky; I cannot seem to switch easily between Main Index and Active Topics without getting an error message or being frozen out (and then taking 7 minutes to get back in)
- I cannot see the NABBW forums either
- I can't see who else is online
- with my previous colour scheme "Infopop2", I was not able to see "Add New Event" in the calendar forum;
- many times when I click the link to a thread, from either the Main Index or Active Topics page, it hangs - I often have to close out of IE completely and reopen BWS. I do not have similar problems with other websites (I add that last sentence for the tech's benefit - having been one for many years)

Edited by Eagle Heart (07/07/06 04:13 PM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)