eBay is a great way to make money -- if you have the time to spend doing it. I was, and will be starting tomorrow, selling from home. It's very inexpensive to have a store and as long as you do your homework and ask lots of questions -- you can make a decent return! You don't have to have a store though - and in that case - it's even less expensive.

By using PayPal, you can, for a small fee, accept credit cards. The postal service and UPS give you access to the shipping rates all over the world. All you need is a scale to weigh your item.

The key to success, I think, is to treat your "customer" right - the way you would like to be treated. Bad feedback can ruin you.

If anyone's interested in selling something - I suggest you give it a try. Need help - Email me and I'll try to help you get started.