
I remember that one of the things that most upset my Nichole, was that she couldn't remember important things in her life. Seizures destroyed her memory. I would constantly retell events, and assure her that these things occurred, but in her own mind, they were not remembered. It was devastating to both of us....We who can remember, no matter how faulty our memories might be, are keepers of the truth as we see it -but so are you. Few memories are sometimes greater than many. And have you ever noticed that memories are more about an emotion than a movie of what transpired? Nichole always remembered her beloved grandmother. While sitting on the deck one evening, we saw two shooting stars - she said " Momma, there's Grandma and Grandpa - they are there to tell me they are waiting for me, in the flower garden." I just looked at her. Wondering where this child had come from.........She died years later, but I knew. I knew . She was with that Grandma and "pappa" in the flower garden.....Memories not so important now, as the love that remains thru all time.......
