I got interested in poetry.com a couple of years ago. I just wanted to get a sense of whether or not my poems were any good, so submitted a few to get the feedback. They really wanted to publish one of the poems I had submitted and became extremely aggressive and, well, predatorial is a word that comes to mind. It kind of scared me. I had to send them a registered letter insisting that they were NOT allowed to publish my poem.

They had made it quite clear in all correspondence to me that if they published my poem in one of their anthologies, I would not be allowed to publish it anywhere again, which is why I initially declined. Later, it was because they frightened me with their aggressive tactics.

I never heard from them after I sent them my letter. I have no idea if they went ahead and published my poem, but wouldn't be surprised to find out that they did.

I would highly recommend not getting sucked into anything to do with poetry.com.

[ July 25, 2005, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: Eagle Heart ]