I have done a little work with grant writing. I have always wanted to try, because I think I can. It's not like writing a story, or a poem or anything else because even if you 'made it all up', unless you submit it, you'll never know if you're any good at it. What would happen if they liked my proposal and wanted to fund me? Good grief! [Eek!] I don't think the funding agency would take it too well if I told them, "I made it all up" just to practice. Check out www.ed2go.com
My local community college participates, (I really don't know how it all works)and I saw it through their catalog, and that's where I sent my payment. But I had people in my classes from all over the country and I believe there were some from Canada as well. One of my classes was 'Becoming a Grant Writing Consultant' with Beverly Browning. Top notch! My next class is going to be about editing. (As soon as I get a few dinero not otherwise obligated [Razz] )