Late Bloomer

I got very angry at your former company by just reading about what happened. I'm constantly amazed by how fragil the concepts of "what's right" and "fairness" are. Guess that shows how naive I am.

I went to your web site as well. I'm going to order "Intervals of Light" from Amazon. My computer is frail, and I'm not sure it could handle down loading.

My undergrad degree is in Electrical Engineering, and even though I had to take 144 credits to graduate, only nine of them were in anything other than math, science or engineering. Therefore, I'm not sure I'll be able to appreciate all aspects of your poetry, but I'll try.

Is your hsband still working for that same company? My situation was no where near as unfair as yours, yet it still took me years to get over it. I'm still searching around for my passion. Although, I am taking care of my nine month old grandson, so there not much energy left for anything else now.

Congratulations to you. You've found a way to move on to something you love. And it looks like you are good at it.

Carol K.