Tears threaten both sides of the glass ceiling.

After working in a male dominated corporate world for a few years I founded my own company which grew to a multi-million dollar corporation.

I never cried in front of either a boss or those working for me. And I certainly never cried in front of a client. I either joked my way around the tears or else used them as fuel for the competition.

Tears are a constant threat to those in charge. They are a luxury that a boss cannot afford. Even the threat of tears can be a reason women encounter the glass ceiling. I have fired men from jobs paying hundreds of thousands of dollars and they never shed a tear. I have fired women from jobs paying tens of thousands and they cried, even begged, never realizing that their constant crying and claiming victimhood was the reason they were being fired in the first place.

This may sound harsh, but the workplace is not a psychiatrist's couch. As an owner, you have so much responsibility and the stress of it puts tears constantly in your heart. You have so many families relying on you to keep the business afloat and you can't possibly jeopardize the income of the entire workforce to accomodate the problems of one individual. You have the responsibility for hundreds of people on your mind constantly. You have to do what is best for the company or else you injure so many people.

Just another look at crying in the workplace.