This information is outstanding and opens my eyes to so many things about depression. Its healthy I think for others to have insight into the life of someone who has experienced an illness such as this, and it helps us/them to "walk a mile" so to speak. I can't thank you enough for being so thorough. I'm in middle of your book and that helps as well.

I'll be the first to admit years ago I pooh poohed the idea that someone couldn't handle life. My thought were "get over it" or "put your big girl panties on and deal with it." I was so wrong. After having close friends who were/are bi-polar and clinically depressed, I got a first-hand lesson(s) and woke up.

Of the things you mentioned that have helped you get thru it all, do you think one is more important than the other? For instance, is having a support group in place the most important?

At least thanks to you and others, people no longer walk on the other side of the sidewalk when they hear someone suffers from depression or is bi-polar!