So let's get some of the admin stuff out of the way first.

1. SPECIAL OFFER: During the month of September only, if you contact me directly at I am happy to offer my book at a reduced price of $12US ($14CDN). This price DOES INCLUDE shipping. When you email me, let me know who to personalize the book for, and your mailing address and I’ll get it out to you ASAP, usually in the next day’s mail.

2. DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. I have no psychological or medical training whatsoever.

Eagle Born to Fly is my personal story, the story about my lifelong struggle with depression. I am no expert on anything except my own life.

These are purely my own experiences, insights, thoughts, opinions and beliefs and SHOULD NEVER BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE WISDOM AND EXPERT ADVICE of those more experienced and professionally trained than I am. Nor should anything said in this forum be substitutes for your own wisdom and knowledge and common sense about you. Nobody knows you better than you know yourself.


Please feel free to ask here, or PM me with ideas for topics you’d like to see discussed here this month. I've struggled with depression for over forty years and have managed to find some constructive ways to manage the brainfog, mangled thinking and inner chaos of depression.

I look forward to hearing the insights and wisdom of so many others of you who have also suffered and continue to suffer from depression.