Let me say this first and foremost. The stories in my book are true with just a tad of embellishment. They all come from my own life experiences, and more than likely will continue to be the same.

I refuse to say how much or if all of the "stuff" is true, because that would take all of the fun out of it. But girls, you should follow me around sometime. I can't have JUST A DAY. Something happens every day with me. When it does, I write about it. Maybe not right away, but eventually, to the grief of my family.

Given this, I'll let you all in on one method I use sometimes when I seem to be stuck or when my muse takes a vacation.

I see or hear a situation and just simply ask myself, "How could that be funny?" Sound crazy and a little too simple, but try it. You'll be surprised how you can turn an ordinary situation into something funny by just thinking about it, and twisting the outcome.