Ladies, I take great pleasure in introducing this month's Featured Author. Prepare yourself for a fun month...

Georgia Richardson, Queen Jaw Jaw, the Queen of Experiences (, Southern humorist from North Alabama, currently writes three monthly columns for Shoals Woman, Penwomanship, and The Monthly View magazines. Her debut book, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Throne, was released in May 2005 and reviewers have crowned her the next "Erma."

Want a taste of the Queen's wit? Sign up on her home page for "ALL THINGS ROYAL" delivered to your mailbox every Monday. Short, humorous, and ALWAYS written by da Queen, these anecdotes are guaranteed to make you smile; and its free! Can't beat the price, eh?

Recently established as the Alabama rep for the The National Association of Women Writer's, Richardson has also moved into the speaking arena and as the Queen herself says, "Some people say I have the gift for gab...I think 'Professional Talker' has a better ring to it, don't you?"