I am so glad to hear you are stayng in shape while recovering from your injury. I'm sure you will be back to running soon. In "Ribbons," I am recognizing a kindred spirit.

I am coming to realize that like you, I have always been a runner and had a need to travel. The need to run was born in me and it has helped me so much in life. Through 3 car accidents with 31 broken bones, 21 of which are in my left ankle, multiple orthopedic surgeries, and cancer, I instinctively ran and walked my way through the pain back to health. Recently I am coming to understand the healing benefits of seeing scenery passing by as in traveling by train or car. And in your book I can see the healing that was taking place in your spirit as you traveled cross country.

A couple of years ago I was in a big city and got away from running. I became weak, and the arthritis from the injuries became worse. When I tried to walk myself back to health as I always had, my previous injuries worsened and I wound up in surgery for a total reconstruction of my left leg and ankle.
I was hospitalized for a week and in a cast from December 9, 2004 to April 17, 2005. I couldn't seem to get better and was still in great pain when we left to drive cross country to D.C. The depression was as debilitating as the surgery. I felt that spirit was broken and I would never get back to my old self.

Your posts somehow got me going for the trip and I just watched the scenery go by as I relaxed into the drive. When we got to D.C. I had recovered enough enthusiasm to walk about two miles around the mall the first day. The pain made me sick, and I rested much of the second day, but despite the pain the walking was good for me.
I PMed you about the the trip being a sort of closure for my friend's death and I believe the scenery passing by helped me recover from the trauma of that and the surgery. The love with which my husband and grandson surrounded me on the trip was certainly an important part of the healing as well as the prayers of boomers.

I was exhausted for a few days when we got home, but each day I am finally feeling better and the enthusiasm is returning to my spirit. As I read "Ribbons," I identify so strongly with your 'need for speed' as it manifests itself in your need to travel and to run. I think I have the same need. Maybe lots of boomers do.

Thank you for being our featured author and for writing such a joyful book.

[ June 19, 2005, 03:53 AM: Message edited by: smilinize ]