Good morning. Smile must be doing some packing today? Exciting stuff. Don't forget the duct tape. Danita must be packing, too? Custer State Park is only a week away. Two boomer road trips about to launch. Very cool.

I had two nice things happen yesterday, one related to writing and the other to travel -- and trust -- the kind of trust I talked about in relation to Alex, Smile's precious cargo.

First, I sold two small travel stories to an online magazine. Then, I got an email from my friend, Rhonda (my Nashville friend whom I write about in "Ribbons"). I'm interviewing her (and Danita--thanks, Danita!) for the homeschooling article.

Rhonda wrote me and asked if, in a few years, when her daughter Erin is in 12th grade and my daughter Dana is in 11th, "if you haven't seen every corner of the world by then," would I consider including Erin in one of our trips. Rhonda's traveled with me twice and, she said, "you took such could care of me on our trips, that I know you would be good for Erin. You and Dana would be good for Erin."

I called Dana over to read Rhonda's email, and we both had the same reaction. We were deeply touched and honored that Rhonda would ask us to give Erin something she can't, and that she would trust us with her precious cargo.

I promptly emailed back a resounding, "Yes!"