What I read now:

Pleasure: Mystery series such as those written by Robert Crais, Lee Child, Carol O'Connell, Nevada Barr, Dana Stabenow and for fun, Janet Evanovitch; other authors: Ted Dekker, Jan Karon, Frank Perretti, Ward Tanneberg, Faye Kellerman and Alex Kellerman.

Inspiration: Joyce Meyer, Max Lucado, Gerald Mann, books about the Bible, the Bible.

I enjoy comedic works but I tire of constant profanity for no other reason than to be profane. Evanovitch does that and it's starting to detract from the comedy. Used to be a big fan of Robert B. Parker's Spenser series, but after 30 some books, it's becoming tiresome.

J.A. Jance writes some good mysteries.

And of course, I try to choose books to review that I think I'll enjoy - so far I've only had to return two books.