Eagle, I’m sorry you experienced such a massive burnout and depression. Thank goodness you know that you are worthy just because you are! That was a long, hard lesson for me to learn: that I am worthy just being. I used to measure my worth by what I could accomplish during a day. I remember calling a prayer chain when I was in the midst of depression. At that time, I was in a high-stress, low-pay job. By low pay I mean not only financially but also in regards to low rewards. All day long, I served others who were ungrateful and irritable. One day I answered 177 phone calls! I was about to file for a stress leave. Anyway, when I called the prayer chain, the dear soul on the other end said something about “using God given talents to rise up to serve others.” I said, “I rise up out of bed to serve others all day long.” Of course, a prayer chain is not the place to vent anger and create arguments. I have fibromyalgia, which often asks for pay back after a day of activity. In other words, if I do not pace myself one day, I will be fatiqued the next. Would it help you to know that you are not alone? I played with my 8 and 3 year old nieces for an hour or two, (they called me “Princess Lynn”) and I was exhausted. I can’t go shopping for more than an hour or two. If I got a job, it would have to be part time because I still get migraines. I used to get by on 4-5 hours of sleep, now I need 10. I try not to measure myself against myself of earlier years. That was then, this is now. And now is all we have. What if you discovered that you experienced burn out because you were supposed to give more to your self? What if you discovered that taking each day at a slower pace was more about savoring life, sipping rather than gulping life’s offerings, and that this was intentional for your personal growth? Just wondering. I am so grateful that you can be here!