Unique, I can honestly say that when I first read of this technique (in Creative Visualization) I was skeptical. At that time, I had little faith in God and/or myself. There are books about intention being an important component to manifestation, (such as “The Sky’s The Limit” by Wayne Dyer) but I did not put much emotional effort into my maps. If it worked, it worked. If not, then oh well. I don’t recall using images to depict the spirit in my first one, but in subsequent maps I realized how important spiritual growth is to me.

I was drinking too much wine at the end of the work day when I made my first map. I clipped a bottle of wine, pasted it onto the map, then put a big red X over the wine. I have not had a drink of wine since December 4, 1994. Not that wine is bad! I was just using too much of it to escape from high stress and low pay. So, that’s one way of imaging habits you want to break, by using a big red (or black) X.

I didn’t dare to dream at first. To give you an example of how limited my goals were, the first map I did had a tiny picture of a microwave on it. That’s all I could think of: a microwave.

I hid my first treasure maps from my husband (then boyfriend) because I was self-conscious and I thought he’d be skeptical. Since then, we’ve seen so many manifestations of our desires that he clips pictures, and says, “Put this on the map!”

Hmmm…. I still have a crush on Paul McCartney. Maybe I should put a picture of him on my map!

This technique is amazing. And, if something is not meant to be, you’re still covered by saying, “This, or something better…”