Thank you all for saying the book is well-written. I was glued to editing guides for grammar for the final draft. The writing process consisted of using vignettes, making lists, stream of consciousness, and not letting go of a topic. For example, if I was writing about my father, I would ask myself “what else?”…what else do I remember, feel, smell, taste, see, hear? I would examine a situation like a forensic scientist. I would stretch my memory to the limits, even when I was afraid to recall. Early on during the course of writing, my mother sent me my childhood photo album. I had it for weeks before I dared look in it. I was afraid of what I might see. Who was this little girl in the pictures? Was that really me? One night, I woke up from a dream. I said to my husband, “The angels Odetta and Michael were here.” He said, “What did they say?” I replied, “They said, ‘We are always with you. Go without fear.’” (I’d never even heard of the name Odetta before that night.) Friends, I can hardly describe how real this experience was. Yet I did not know at the time the reference was to the story I was about to write. I thought the message was more about the property management job I had at the time, which was high stress and low pay. Leave it to the angels to have more depth than to refer to the material plane. In retrospect, I realize that message was in reference to the book I was about to write. The next day, my day off from work, I sat on my bed and looked at the photo album. I saw myself as an innocent, sweet, generous child, and not the addicted adult I was ashamed of. Funny, there was not one picture of my father. Anyway, as far as “well-written” I think it was a matter of divine guidance, and I am humbled to have been an instrument for the messages of the book. That being said, I must add that writing is work that requires discipline and determination.