Oh, I'm not rushing you. Just kidding around, of course. I sent you my address about a week ago. I just did again. Maybe I'm not doing the 'private message' thingy right or something. Let me know if you don't get the one from today, ok?

Pam, I know this must be real exciting for you to have so many reading your book and waiting to chit-chat about it upon us finishing. That is one of my favorite passtimes, reading a good book then discussing/sharing my perspective and hearing others.

Since, of course, all of us have different life maps, each of our aesthetic responses to a work are slightly different. I love knowing the 'why's and hows' of their views and how it made them feel. Guess that's the 'psych major' coming out in me...."why do you feel like this, and what made you do that?" LOL Never mind me. [Razz]