Good Morning Boomer Book Babes! I heard from my publisher yesterday and wanted to share some info with you that I did NOT know...maybe because I'm a "novice" when it comes to this whole book-writing/selling/promoting thing. I wanted to know WHY people were being told by Amazon, etc. that they were "out of stock" of my book when it has JUST come out! I'm told that with a new author, they don't stock hundreds of books, only 10 or so because we "novices" have no track record to speak of...they don't know how quickly the book might sell and don't want to overstock. BUT I'm also told that they SHOULD be able to re-stock VERY quickly from the distributors. In other words, if you are being told 3-5 weeks wait - it won't be that long...that's just what they tell you.

I hope this is correct....I know how frustrating it is to order something and be told "nope - you have to wait!!!"....that's especially irritating when you are ordering a GIFT for someone...but can be JUST as irritating when you're ordering something for yourself.....SO again, I'm sorry some of you are having to wait to get "The Mystery of David's Bridge". Hopefully by the time my mystery series is on the second/third book I'll be so popular they will have TONS on hand??????? (WISHFUL THINKING) [Razz] [Razz]