I had a dream one time that I shall never forget. I was asleep and this powerful man (built like Mr. Clean) who was not black, but a reddish brown color, jerked me up from my sleep and turned me around to face him. He was hugh. By that I mean he was supersized, like the guy in The Green Mile, but even bigger. Not fat, very muscular. When he turned me around he began sucking the very life out of me. He was breathing in very deeply, and for a long period of time. As he did, my soul was coming out of my mouth and going into his body thru this mouth. He was not touching me except for the strong hold he had on my arms, extending me in the air. He kept sucking in air, and each time he did, I felt myself dying a little. This dream was so real, I can't explain it to you. I woke up in a sweat, terrified. I was going thru a lot at the time. A lot of mental anguish, different kinds of troubles, and so torn about my situation. My Daddy was ill also. So I attribute the dream to my own "boxed-in" kind of feelings at the time and the trouble I was going thru. It was literally sucking the life out of me. I would be happy to hear any other interpretations???? That was a couple of years ago, but it still scares me to think of him. It was almost like he was the devil.

Another dream I had when I was about 4 or 5 was that I dreamed there was a very large and beautiful stairway and I climbed it. It was a long way to the top, but animals, sweet people, and different thing lined it. At the top was God. I still remember the scene. Ahhh....that was a wonderful dream!


[ February 18, 2005, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: jawjaw ]