This is a very fascinating subject for me. I have come to remember dreams that I have had in the past and then I remember what had happened afterwards. Kind of like a hindsight if you will.

As you said in your first post Prill about how you felt when you awoke from your dream. That is what I go on as well. I had an experience last year that I will never forget. This wasn't pleasant at all. The dream went like this: I was pursueing something, and in order for me to qualify I was given a styrofoam cup full of some awful tasting liquid. I wasn't allowed to spit it out nor was I allowed to swallow it. I could describe the taste as something from a sewer. That is when I woke up and the first thought that came to my mind was "torture". Well, in the following months I had gone through so much emotional torture.

Later, I had told a friend of mine that is able to interpret dreams. This is what she told me. She told me that torture was the exact thing that I was warned about because of what came to mind. And so it did.

I am so glad to read that you "woke up with a sweet feeling" sounds to me that you are exactly where you are suppose to be and doing what you are suppose to be doing.

