Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your kind words.

Chatty Lady-- What a story! Love this line in particular:
"I wouldn't be happy doing anything else except write even now nearing age 65....It completes me."
Getting into the habit of being bold is life transforming. I promise. But when it comes to dreaming, you've also got to have stick-to-itiveness. Persistence is the single most important trait the women in my book possess. They refused to give up on themselves. Even when their situations looked hopeless, they kept on going.

Here's what I've learned: When one reaches an impasse--emotional or otherwise--that's not the moment to turn back. It’s the moment recommit to the journey. Oftentimes, this is when the magic begins.

P.S. I'll continue posting on the forums after my time here is up next Monday (the 7th), but I'm going to be traveling over the next two months and won't be able to check in as regularly. Just know that I'll be thinking about you and wishing you well. (You ladies are like cyber sisters; how could I ever forget you? [Big Grin] )