One more thought about websites. Many of you already have wonderful ones. But if you're a published writer and don't yet have a "hidden" press page on your site, I highly recommend that you put one together. On mine, I have downloadable high-resolution jpegs of my book cover as well as my publicity shots. I also have a downloadable pdf file of my press release, plus contact information. It's a work in progress. Having recently redone all my press materials, I need to update it again. The bottom line is that I've directed the media to this page again and again, with great results.

On an unrelated note, I'm meeting my dear friend Nancy in a few minutes. (She's the person whose e-mail I shared with you last week after my breathing scare.) At this time of my life, I think my girlfriends are as important to me as my husband, mother and children. I don't want to, or need to, rank anyone. My family and friends fill different roles in my life. My point is that I doubt I would have persisted in writing my book without all the support my girlfriends gave me. I'm certain I wouldn't be the person I am today without their love and encouragement.

For years, my closest friends were men. The woman I was closest to was my mom. Nancy is the one who made me realize that I needed to put more energy into my female friendships. About a decade ago, she said to me, "Prill, your mom is going to die. Your sons are going to grow up. And, statistically, you'll probably outlive your husband. Who's going to be there for you then? Your girlfriends, that's who!