Hello all and thanks for the responses. Chatty, my husband has been so supportive of me. I have more of a problem with "his" money than he does. He does not resent one red cent. Yes, we are partners. Today we asked each other where we want to be in January 2007 (about 18 months from now) I heard myself say, "I want to be on a lecture circuit making money by talking about SA & DV. I want to be selling my watercolors." Then I see Renegades post, and I have already visited her site. It appears as if I have a gallery to approach right here in my own back yard of Colorado. Truth is, I do a lot of ABSTRACT art that symbolizes emotions! Yes, Dotsie if I went to school for a Masters in Social Work I would certainly be working as a counselor to those victimized by SA and DV. Chickadee has in mind for me what I really have in mind for me. So today I decided NOT to go back to college, although I enjoy education. I have to establish myself as an author and an artist! Love and Light, Lynn