Hi friends, here's my question. I am 51 with a bachelor's in social work. That means I get to work as a case manager with too many cases and too little pay. I can go back to college to get a master's in social work, which will permit me to be a clinical social worker, ie. mental health specialist. The program costs lots of money. It doesn't even start until I'm 52. So, 1 year at school, 2 years getting licensed. I'll be 54. Is it worth investing the money in education now for only 10-12 years of work? I believe that no education is a waste. At the same time, my preferred method of making a living would be through art and writing. But I haven't broke even on the investment for my book. I live off my husband and he subsidizes my work. In other words, it's his money that puts gas in the car so I can volunteer. It's his paycheck that gives me the freedom to do presentations for free to agencies that don't have a speaker's budget. What to do, what to do, wish I knew. LLL