My story:
Divorced dead beat husband with terrible money ideas. I came out okay, but still owe some money. I got myself seperated from his income tax some four years before divorcing, Thank God. It was a mess and I surely would have been stung by it. I suggest wives taking an interest in what hubby is doing with the taxes.
I started an investment program two years before divorcing, I still have it and it is growing now.
I work at a day job, but last year started my own business on the side so I will have something to retire to that I will enjoy. I will retire just as soon as I can, I can't wait! So life is good ladies, I am looking ahead and making plans. Please don't think you don't have to. Life changes and then there you are with no plan B.
Oh yeah, and he was five years younger. Maybe next time I will go for ten years younger. Ha!