Back in college, I wrote a paper on gas and how big oil has it's grip so hard on white house that it's not even funny. Back in the '90s, we had technology to create vehicles that obtained over 70 miles on a gallon of gas with self lubricating ceramic parts and a heck of a lot more than that. However, big oil lobbys so much to keep oil as a useable fuel source that hydrogen (which by the way, is free because it is water) has been thrown to the wayside for an immanent future it seems. It is quite problematic that our own government buys into what big oil wants because of the enormous tax benefits and revenue gas and oil generate for them. On the other hand, hundreds if not thousands of people die each yr. from pollution related illenesses that can be directly attributed to pollution from fossil fuel burning. For my readers and anyone else, I have put a pg. together to help people get back the money that big oil is taking from them via
Now this is not some selfish promo, it is merely assisting where assistance is direly needed. (at the pump and in the wallet) I have already received after applying 4 mo. ago. 2 $20 checks in the mail for buying what I must have (gas)
If one uses the gas card religiously and pay it every mo. it can shave $50 off of a $1,000 a yr. expenditure and that would be a partial bill at the grocery store or 2 decent dinners at some resteraunt.
I am sincerely hoping that these prices go down for all of our sakes but until then, this is the only way I have found that can truly help.