OK. I'm just learning about this site feed (RSS) stuff myself, but here's what I'm learning.

First, to understand what RSS is, go here:

Supposedly, if you put a link to your site feed on your site so that people can grab it, they can use My Yahoo for example to receive notice every time you update your content. You can see why that's valuable. Most blog services make it easy to do that... I use Blogger and I can do it under "formatting".

The way some people are making such good money with blogs are with niche blogs. For example, if you know a lot about computers and every day your write about what's new in the world of computers and get good SE rankings, you'll do well with Google. Really well. Search engines love blogs partly because the content is updated so frequently.

Just remember that once you put your Google code on your blog, try to keep good keywords in mind when you are writing. If you want Google to show ads for certain keywords that you know your readers will want to click, use those keywords often in your writing. Believe me, writing for the web is WAY different than ordinary writing. You have to keep your content keyword rich to get the ads you want.

As you can see, I'm a big fan of Google. Although talking about how much you make with Google will get you kicked out of the program, I can tell you that I'm very happy at the end of the month when the check arrives. I'm not making what I hope to make someday, but it increases every month as I learn new things. I truly believe it's worth anyone's time to learn how to effectively use Google Adwords.