Dear Friends, still in regards to Sugar's post about self-doubt: 10 years ago I moved from California to Kansas. An acquaintance recommended that I join the "New Neighbors Club" which goes a step further than the "Welcome Wagon." NNC offers get togethers for any kind of hobby. So, I joined, and went to a luncheon. At the luncheon, every woman would ask, "So what do you do? What does your husband do?" Here's an example of how those conversations DIED on the spot. I would say, "My husband is the opening GM for 'eat a lot' restaurant." She (whomever) would respons, "Oh, my husband is the President (or CEO) of the National Bank and Trust of the USA and the World." Geez, did I ever feel small. Then, in answer to what I did, I'd say I was an artist. "Oh," she-whom-ever would say, " I was in Tahiti just last week and I saw the most gorgeous watercolor show of the Global Artist of the Year..." blah blah blah. I went home feeling just like Sugar explained, full of self-doubt. I felt worthless when comparing myself to them. I had to regain my worth by comparing myself to myself only, and asking, what does God want me to do (higher power). One of my personal life lessons: don't compare. Maybe not all NNC were like that (superficial and uppity) but I didn't have the energy at that time to be myself amongst them, so I dropped out. No big loss to me or them! Love and Light, Lynn