You are not alone. My husband went through my mail while I was away visiting our daughter. He found I had a high visa bill now he wants to know where i spend all my earnings, othe words he wants all my bank statements. He is trying to intimidate by saying my visa bill will probably cause a lien to be put on our home. I say nonsense. Payments are kept up regularly. I should also add that I pay the majority of the bills in our household as well as my own personal bills. He pays food, hydro, and his own car insurance period. He claims are marriage of 26 years is over if i don't show him the statements. I feel like saying good riddance. He was never like this five years ago he got hit by a car while he was walking in a crosswalk, the next yeara he was diagnosed with cancer, but with chemo he is now in his fourth year of remission and now he is suffering from high blood pressure, and he only takes his blood pressure bills if his pressure is high which in itself is dangerous, but he will not listen to anyone, he knows all the answers. I don't know if being european has anything to do with it. I not making excuses for him just stating the facts. chichii